Private oil painting classes ( 3 hours with a tutor )
Private oil painting classes ( 3 hours with a tutor )
Private tuition in oil painting and related mediums. Classes our held in our studio. The classes are one - on - one with one of our tutors qualified to masters level in Fine Art or a respected academy teaching oil painting.
The fee is inclusive of a wide range of materials. an infinite range of oil paints, mediums and dry pastel, canvases, oil papers and the list goes on.
The classes our tailored entirely to the tastes and requirements of the student whether a complete beginning or more advanced.
If you just want a taste of the studio and more important the taste of life as an artist, then this is the ticket for you or your loved one!
If you have questions about our classes or would like to book classes in bulk please fill out the form below including your phone number for us to give you a call and discuss painting further.